Plotting the roots of monic Littlewood polynomials in MATLAB
Plotting roots of monic Littlewood polynomials (and monic polynomials with coefficients of 1 and other numbers).
Littlewood polynomials are polynomials with coefficients of either 1 or -1. Monic polynomials have the first coefficient as 1. This script plots the roots of every N-th degree monic Littlewood polynomial on the complex plane.
The two main functions are
find_roots(polynomial_order, other_no)
render(image_name, points, plot_centre, plot_scale, image_size)
where the points
argument is the output of the first
![An example of the density of the roots of every 20th degree monic Littlewood polynomial.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/basic.png)
An example of the density of the roots of every 20th degree monic Littlewood polynomial.
![A high resolution render of the same image.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/4krender.png)
A high resolution render of the same image.
![Zooming in on a section.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/4krenderzoomed.png)
Zooming in on a section.
![A 1920x1080 desktop background image.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/desktopbg.png)
A 1920x1080 desktop background image.
![A rotated version of the same image for phone wallpapers.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/phonebg.png)
A rotated version of the same image for phone wallpapers.
![An animation of changing a parameter from -1 to 1.](https://ha.nnes.dev/image/littlewood-matlab/animated.gif)
An animation of changing a parameter from -1 to 1. (Full video here)